Three pictures in row鈥攁 female soccer player, a male swimmer and a baseball player.
Winter Throwing Clinics

Winter Throwing Clinics

Throwing Clinics

Camp Emphasis: The clinic will provide a thorough technical breakdown of the throwing event, with the skills and drills to help them progress into their track season. Professional coaching with video analysis will be provided during the session.

Dates: February 22 and March 2

Location: SM论坛's Woody Greeno Track

Cost: $40 per session

Technique (Optional)
Daytime phone
Medical information
Allergies, asthma, shoulder injuries, etc. Enter “N/A” if there are no medical conditions.
In consideration of acceptance for registration, I waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Nebraska Wesleyan University or its representatives or any damages that may be sustained and suffered by me or my child in connection with our association with this camp, and which may arise out of our traveling to, participating in, or returning from camps. By signing this form you agree to let Nebraska Wesleyan use your child’s photos for any promotional material.
I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
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