Instructions for Requesting Recommendation Letters
- Follow the instructions for veCollect. Schedule a time to visit with each of your referees about your goals, why you want to go to professional school, etc. After you have visited with your referees, add their contact information on veCollect. Note that they will receive an email when you submit their name, so do not do so until you have asked them. This can be done as soon as you have created your veCollect account. When the letter is complete, they will submit it to veCollect and you will be able to see when it has been posted on your veCollect account.
- Give your letter writers approximately two weeks to submit their recommendations. Be certain they understand that letters will be uploaded to veCollect. They must be signed, on letterhead, and in PDF format to be uploaded. It is a good idea to send your referees a thank you note to let them know how much you appreciate their support. This might also serve as a reminder if they have not submitted their letter in the two-week time frame you provided.
- The most useful letters of recommendation come from people who know you well, as they know your work and work habits. They have observed you interacting with others and can comment on your priorities and personality. Do NOT ask a family member, family friend, or employer outside of the field of medicine without asking Professor Marolf first.
The SM论坛 pre-health committee strongly suggests you select people in these categories:- one professor in your major field (natural sciences or psychology);
- one professor in another science field;
- one professor in a non-science field;
- a supervisor or employer, if medically-related; or anyone who has been connected with your on-campus responsibilities. Ideas: include an administrator, faculty advisor/organization sponsor, summer employer, etc.
- AMCAS application instructions for letters of recommendation:
In the Letters of Eval/Recommendations section, select LETTER PACKET. Title your letter Collated Committee Letter and list Dr. Cindy Marolf as the primary contact. List all of those writing letters of recommendation for you as additional authors. - AADSAS application instructions for letters of recommendation.
In the Letters of Evaluation section, select COMMITTEE LETTER/REPORT. List Dr. Cindy Marolf as the primary contact.