Aerial view of Old Main in the fall at dusk.
SMÂÛ̳ opens new $29 million science facility

SMÂÛ̳ opens new $29 million science facility

  • Construction work wraps up
    Construction work wraps up late fall for the December move in to Acklie Hall of Science.
  • The new Acklie Hall of Science glass entryway
    The new Acklie Hall of Science glass entryway faces Old Main, built in 1887.
  • New classrooms
    New classrooms wait patiently for eager students and faculty to arrive in January.
  • State-of-the-art lab equipment
    State-of-the-art lab equipment has been installed.
  • Construction work wraps up
    Construction work wraps up late fall for the December move in to Acklie Hall of Science.
  • The new Acklie Hall of Science glass entryway
    The new Acklie Hall of Science glass entryway faces Old Main, built in 1887.
  • New classrooms
    New classrooms wait patiently for eager students and faculty to arrive in January.
  • State-of-the-art lab equipment
    State-of-the-art lab equipment has been installed.

by Bill Motzer, vice president for enrollment

Great news for your students with interests in the sciences. The spring semester marks the opening of Nebraska Wesleyan University’s Duane W. Acklie Hall of Science.

The new $29 million facility houses SMÂÛ̳’s departments of biology, chemistry and psychology. With its state-of-the-art equipment, instrumentation and lab spaces, it’s the perfect place for the way our students learn in the sciences today.

Acklie Hall of Science is one more part of Nebraska Wesleyan’s $65 million investment in our entire student body. The university’s successful Bold Designs campaign has raised tens of millions in support of premier learning spaces, scholarships, student experiences and outstanding teaching.

Encourage your students to schedule a campus visit and tour the new Acklie Hall of Science. Every student who takes a formal tour receives Nebraska Wesleyan’s renewable $1,000 SMÂÛ̳ Visit Grant.

Bill Motzer

Enrollment Vice President Bill Motzer oversees student recruitment for SMÂÛ̳. This fall’s incoming class is the largest in Nebraska Wesleyan’s history.

Contact us

Admissions Office
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2218
admissions [at] (admissions[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)