Aerial view of Old Main in the fall at dusk.
Connect your top students to SM̳’s “full-ride scholarship”

Connect your top students to SM̳’s “full-ride scholarship”

  • Reba and Harry Huge (center) congratulate a Huge scholarship winner at last year's inductee ceremony.
    Reba and Harry Huge (center) congratulates a Huge scholarship winner at last year's inductee ceremony. Scholarship winners enjoy a life-time of valuable networking opportunities through the Huge Foundation and its partners.
  • Large group of students, with Harry and Reba Huge center, in a half circle.
    Last year's Huge Society inductees are pictured with Harry (center, back row) and Reba, (center, front row).
  • Reba and Harry Huge (center) congratulate a Huge scholarship winner at last year's inductee ceremony.
    Reba and Harry Huge (center) congratulates a Huge scholarship winner at last year's inductee ceremony. Scholarship winners enjoy a life-time of valuable networking opportunities through the Huge Foundation and its partners.
  • Large group of students, with Harry and Reba Huge center, in a half circle.
    Last year's Huge Society inductees are pictured with Harry (center, back row) and Reba, (center, front row).

In some ways, the Huge-SM̳ Scholarship is exactly what it looks like. Yes, it’s a “huge” scholarship. But it’s more than that.

The scholarship is named after Harry and Reba Huge. The Huges (pronounced like hue geese) founded the Huge Foundation, which funds the scholarship.

The Huge-SM̳ Scholarship supports outstanding academic achievement in all fields. Each year, the selection committee awards one or more incoming Nebraska Wesleyan students with a renewable scholarship covering tuition, fees, room and board for up to four years.

Recipients and finalists are admitted to the Nebraska Wesleyan University chapter of the Huge Society. This society honors academic excellence and provides its members with valuable networking opportunities through the Huge Foundation and its partners.

Finalists also receive a renewable, $4,000 Commendation Scholarship.

And semifinalists receive a renewable $1,000 Recognition Scholarship.

These awards are in addition to the $16,000-$20,000 in academic scholarships they’ll automatically receive when admitted to SM̳.

Here’s what your students must do to pursue the life-changing Huge-SM̳ Scholarship.

Contact us

Admissions Office
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln NE 68504
(402) 465-2218
admissions [at] (admissions[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)