EducationQuest Foundation ScholarshipQuest Search
The EducationQuest Foundation maintains a free database of over 2,000 Nebraska-based scholarships.
How it works
1. Click on the button above to access ScholarshipQuest.
If you鈥檙e already logged in, you will go straight to ScholarshipQuest.
If you haven鈥檛 logged in, you will go to the MyEducationQuest log in page.
2. Complete your ScholarshipQuest profile.
You will receive a list of scholarships that match your profile.
Scholarships might include awards through your school, community or the college you plan to attend.
3. ScholarshipQuest will save your profile if you log in to MyEducationQuest at least every nine months.
What you should know about scholarships
Start applying for scholarships your junior year and continue throughout your senior year and while you鈥檙e in college. Other sources for scholarships, besides ScholarshipQuest, include your guidance office, the college you plan to attend, and national search sites.