Work Breaks
Policy title
Work Breaks
Human Resources
Human Resources
Approved by
Administrative Council
Policy statement
During each four (4) hour working period, an employee is allowed one paid fifteen-(15) minute rest period which is limited to fifteen (15) minutes of absence from the job.
- The rest period is to be preceded by and followed by an extended work period; thus, it may not be used to cover any late arrival to work or early departure, nor may it be regarded as cumulative if not taken.
- Rest periods are to be scheduled by the supervisor, who will advise an employee of the scheduled time and place for such rest periods.
- Rest periods are scheduled in accordance with operational needs of the work unit and, due to work requirements a rest period may be canceled entirely.
- Employees may not combine multiple 15-minute rest periods for a longer rest period or combine with other breaks/rest periods, i.e. lunch breaks.
- Employees may not leave the work premise during 15-minute paid breaks for personal errands. If an employee needs to leave the work premise, the employee must report the time away as unpaid time or "punch out" for the time away from campus.
- Employees may leave the work premises during unpaid breaks of 30-minutes or longer with appropriate notice given to their supervisor.
Questions about this policy and implementation procedures should be referred to the Human Resource Office.