Aerial view of Old Main in the fall at dusk.
Summer Camp Fees and Exempt Status of Summer Camp Employees

Summer Camp Fees and Exempt Status of Summer Camp Employees

Policy title
Summer Camp Fees and Exempt Status of Summer Camp Employees
Human Resources
Human Resources
Approved by
Business and Human Resources Office
Purpose of this policy

The policy for summer camp fees and exempt status for camp employees applies to the Athletic Department and other Summer Camps directed and staffed by SM论坛 employees. Summer Camps directed by and staffed by SM论坛 employees must use SM论坛 accounting and payroll functions managed by the Business and Human ResourceOffices. Directors of summer camps are exempt from Federal Wage and Hour regulations.

Policy statement
  • Summecamps pay a pecamper fee for accountinand payroll services, which gives the camps independent recreational status under FederaWage and Hour regulations and exemption from FederaWagand Hour overtime and record keepinregulations.
  • Summecamps, whicdo not pay the fee for eaccamperare subjecto the FederaWagand Hour regulations.  Federal Wage and Hour regulations require employers to paemployeeby the hour from official time sheets obtained from the Human Resource Office.
  • Summecamps who put their entire profit including payment tcamp directors into their NWU fundraising accounts caclassify their camp stafas non-paid volunteers.
  • Camp directors do not pay the per camper fee for attendees who receive NWU
  • course credit for camp work.
  • The pecamper fees is $2.00 per day.
  • Questions about the policy should be directed to the Human Resource Office