Gift Acceptance Policy

Gift Acceptance Policy

Policy title
Gift Acceptance Policy
Vice President for Advancement
Approved by
President, Vice President for Advancement & Vice President for Finanace & Administration
Purpose of this policy

The purpose of the Gift Acceptance Policy is to give guidance and counsel to those individuals within the Nebraska Wesleyan University community concerned with soliciting gifts. All gifts are to be accepted or rejected in accordance with the policies set forth herein.

Application of this policy

To prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, the University views these guidelines as flexible and realistic in order to accommodate unpredictable fundraising situations and donor expectations. Such situations and expectations, however, must be consistent with the University's mission and policies and reviewed and approved by the Gift Acceptance Committee.

Policy statement

PDF of policy attached below

Exemptions from this policy

Acceptance of any gift to the university must be in compliance with this Gift Acceptance Policy

Related file(s)