Credit Hour

Credit Hour

Policy title
Credit Hour
Policy statement

Definition of the Credit Hour (from the SMÂÛ̳ Catalog) 

Nebraska Wesleyan University follows the Federal Credit Hour Definition (Code of Federal Regulations § 600.2). Based on that definition, one credit hour reasonably approximates not less than –

  1. one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 2 hours of out-of-class student work per week, adding to approximately 45 hours of work per term; or
  2. at least the equivalent amount to 45 hours of work per term for other academic activities as established by SMÂÛ̳, including laboratory work, internships, practica, and studio work. 

This definition allows SMÂÛ̳ to determine the amount of work associated with a credit hour by considering a variety of delivery methods (face-to-face, accelerated, hybrid, or online), measurements of student work, academic calendars, disciplines, and degree levels 

Direct Instruction Course Delivery Methods

  •  Standard Direct (face-to-face) Instruction: Minimum instructional time is verified for each course section, regardless of term length. Courses may use a combination of in-class and directed out-of-class learning activities that amount to approximately 45 hours per credit hour.
  • Accelerated Direct (face-to-face) Instruction: Course sections normally meet once per week for 4 hours, with sufficient work outside of class such that each credit hour represents not less than 45 hours of student work 

Seat Time/Out-of-Class Work Time Expectations for Standard and Accelerated Direct Instruction 

Credit Hours16-Week Sessions8-Week Sessions
1 credit hour1 contact hour/week (50 minutes) plus a minimum of 2 hours’ work outside of class2 contact hours/week (100 minutes) plus a minimum of 4 hours’ work outside of class
2 credit hours2 contact hours/week (100 minutes) plus a minimum of 4 hours’ work outside of class4 contact hours/week (200 minutes) plus a minimum of 8 hours’ work outside of class
3 credit hours3 contact hours/week (150 minutes) plus a minimum of 6 hours’ work outside of class6 contact hours/week (300 minutes) plus a minimum of 12 hours’ work outside of class
4 credit hours4 contact hours/week (200 minutes) plus a minimum of 8 hours’ work outside of class8 contact hours/week (400 minutes) plus a minimum of 16 hours’ work outside of class
5 credit hours5 contact hours/week (250 minutes) plus a minimum of 10 hours’ work outside of class10 contact hours/week (500 minutes) plus a minimum of 20 hours’ work outside of class

Remote and Arranged Instruction Course Delivery Methods

  • Online or Hybrid: Courses offered fully online (75-100% online) or in a hybrid format (25-75% online) must meet the course description, learning objectives, and credit hour standards.
  • Arranged: Courses may use a combination of in-class and directed out-of-class learning activities that amount to approximately 45 hours per credit hour. 

Class Work Time Expectations for Online/Hybrid and Arranged Instruction 

Credit Hours16-Week Sessions8-Week Sessions5-Week Sessions
1 credit hour3 hours engaged in classwork per week6 hours engaged in classwork per week9 hours engaged in classwork per week
2 credit hours6 hours engaged in classwork per week12 hours engaged in classwork per week18 hours engaged in classwork per week
3 credit hours9 hours engaged in classwork per week18 hours engaged in classwork per week27 hours engaged in classwork per week
4 credit hours12 hours engaged in classwork per week24 hours engaged in classwork per week36 hours engaged in classwork per week
5 credit hours15 hours engaged in classwork per week30 hours engaged in classwork per week45 hours engaged in classwork per week