A podium and backdrop with the Nebraska Wesleyan University logo.
SM论坛 Continues Huntington Thanksgiving Tradition

SM论坛 Continues Huntington Thanksgiving Tradition


For the past 22 years, the campus community has warmed the hearts and the kitchens of nearby Huntington Elementary School families during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to join together and donate items to help make Thanksgiving a possibility for these families. Those interested are asked to contact Jo Bunstock or call x2355 by November 13.

Suggested grocery items include:

  • Large box of instant mashed potatoes with a jar/package of gravy OR 2 cans of sweet potatoes with a bag of marshmallows and a small bag of brown sugar
  • 1 can cranberries
  • 2 cans vegetables
  • 1 can fruit
  • 1 large box of Jello
  • 1 box dressing
  • 1 can pie filling (if you choose pumpkin, include a can of milk)
  • 1 box pie crust mix or prepared pie crust (not the kind that requires refrigeration)
  • 1 container powdered fruit drink mix
  • 1 disposable turkey roasting pan
  • 1 turkey-size oven bag
  • 1 package Thanksgiving napkins
  • $15 for purchase of turkey & perishable food items

Items and money should be delivered to the Weary Center, Room 202 before 4 p.m. on Friday, November 20.