A podium and backdrop with the Nebraska Wesleyan University logo.
Homecoming Court Announced

Homecoming Court Announced

  • Eight Nebraska Wesleyan University seniors have been selected to the 2017 homecoming court.
    Eight Nebraska Wesleyan University seniors have been selected to the 2017 homecoming court. The king and queen will be announced on Thursday, September 28 during the Howl Like Hell pep rally.
  • Eight Nebraska Wesleyan University seniors have been selected to the 2017 homecoming court.
    Eight Nebraska Wesleyan University seniors have been selected to the 2017 homecoming court. The king and queen will be announced on Thursday, September 28 during the Howl Like Hell pep rally.

Eight Nebraska Wesleyan University seniors have been named to the 2017 Homecoming Court.

Students were nominated by campus organizations and selected based on interviews.

The SMÂÛ̳ student body will vote for this year’s homecoming king and queen until noon on Thursday. The 2017 homecoming king and queen will be announced on Thursday night during the Howl Like Hell pep rally in Abel Stadium. They will reign over homecoming activities, which continue through Sunday.

Members of the homecoming court include:

Carlin Daharsh, a Spanish and political science major from Gothenburg. She is active in Willard Sorority where she serves as president, Ambassador Program, and Gender Advocacy Place, is a member of Cardinal Key Honorary and Alpha Mu Gamma Language Honorary, earned a Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship to Ecuador, serves as an Archway Seminar student instructor, and served as the Student Affairs Senate student body vice president. She is the daughter of Cressy Rossell.

Jacey Hain, a biochemistry and molecular biology major from Lincoln. She is active in Willard Sorority, Relay for Life, new student programs, and TeamMates. She is a member of Tri-Beta Biology Honorary and was selected for the Nebraska INBRE Scholar Program for biomedical research. She participated in the Capitol Hill Internship Program in Washington, D.C. and varsity softball. She is the daughter of Ken and Peggy Hain.

Gwen Plousek, a biology major from Lincoln. She has been active with Global Service Learning participating in local, national and international service projects, Beekeeping Club, and founded the campus’ Food Sustainability Program. She was selected to represent SMÂÛ̳ at the annual Network Globally, Act Locally Program, where she successfully pitched a product that detects a common date rape drug; she is a member of the Huge Society, was a Summer Fulbright Institute participant to Wales, and volunteers with Clinic With a Heart. She is the daughter of Jeri and Bob Plouzek.

Hannah Rittscher, a communication studies major from Clearwater. She is active with the Wesleyan Communication Association and Forum Committee. She has participated in Global Service Learning, Homecoming Committee, varsity volleyball, and was a Prairie Wolf Welcome leader. She is a member of Cardinal Key and has been an Archway Seminar student instructor. She is the daughter of Kevin and Sonia Rittscher.

Chris Clopton, an athletic training major from Rochester, Minn. He is a member of the Athletic Training Student Association and the National Athletic Training Association, completed an athletic training internship with the Rochester Honkers, and has volunteered at the Malone Center. He also played varsity soccer. He is the son of David and Deanna Clopton.

Ty Garner, an environmental studies major from Broomfield, Colo. He is active with the Greenhouse Project, which he founded, Earth Week Committee, Global Service Learning, Food Sustainability Program, Wesleyan Yip, Homecoming Committee, Forum Committee, Chamber Choir, new student program coordinator and Student Ambassador Program. He is a member of Society of Scholars and was awarded a Student Faculty Collaborative Research Grant. He is the son of Greg and Tammy Garner.

Dalton Hegeholz, a biochemistry and molecular biology major from Lincoln. He is active with Zeta Psi Fraternity, Pre-Health Club and Colleges Against Cancer. He is a member of Tri Beta Biology Honorary, Society of Scholars, Order of Omega, and was selected to participate in the Nebraska INBRE Scholar Program for biomedical research. He is the son of David and Kerri Hegeholz.

Joseph O’Connor, a biology major from Grand Island. He is active with Theta Chi Fraternity, Student Affairs Senate, Wesleyan Student Conduct Board, Interfraternity Council, and Beekeeping Club. He is a member of the Huge Society. He is the son of Tim and Catherine O’Connor.